Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Final Goals Reflection

At the beginning of this semester I put together a few goals. I had these goals in mind to think about while I worked through the semester, and thought about the ways I could accomplish them. Now that the semester is over, I'd like to revisit the goals so that I can assess what I've learned, and how much more I can discover.

"1. I want to be able to help others understand security of digital tools, and how to share their personal data effectively and with only trusted sources.
This goal is aligned to ISTE Standard for Educators 'Citizen' because I will be promoting safe and effective management of personal data. This requires me to understand deeper the basic security of many tools, and requires me to understand what pieces of information may be sensitive and could jeopardize ones privacy."

While I don't feel like I've learned about software or ways to combat scams, I feel more secure in understanding what information to share or not to share. Or rather, I feel more understanding of what I can collect, too. If I send students to websites to use as a resource, I need to understand that the site is trusted, and there won't be any factors on that site that could take away from security. For example, If I link something to my students, I want to be sure the place I send them doesn't have huge popups, or ads that could easily be clicked and potentially jeopardize the student's data or computer. In addition, I feel like I have a better understanding of not sharing details about my students anywhere online, nor having them go somewhere that asks for more than their name or an email log in.

Overall, I do feel that I have understood cyber security at least a little more with this course.

"2. I want to find one new tool to help organize, motivate, and increase productivity for myself to better my personal and professional experience.
This goal is aligned to ISTE Standard for Educators 'Designer' because I will be able to create something for myself and help me learn and grow. I will also be able to share this with others to further their own experience."

I think what I had in mind for this was some sort of journal, calendar, or blog. However, after the semester has finished, looking back at this goal I think I can safely say I accomplished it knowing all of the ways we've organized the course. From just this Blogger, to Symbaloo, the class website, and more ways we've stored and organized data and resources, I am pleased to say I have a better understanding of this goal, and feel very accomplished. I feel that I can easily organize a class or information, and find interesting ways to present information to students to help them feel excited to participate, or at least like they understand exactly what is expected of them.

3. I want to find or create a new way for me to log my accomplishments, or assess my abilities.
This goal is aligned to ISTE Standard for Educators 'Analyst' because I can look for patterns with a habitual log. I can input my success and see my growth, and help others find ways to analyze their own growth, challenges, and accomplishments.

I'm unsure that I've found a way for me to personally do this, outside of just keeping myself organized in my classroom resources. However, I do feel that I've learned new ways to help my students log accomplishments or assess abilities. There have been so many things presented to me like Quizziz or peardeck to help students understand their abilities . Being able to see right away their own accomplishments as well as others' and how they compare is really cool with Quizizz. I'm interested to see what I can do with this tool and others like it to navigate lectures and assessments for my students.

An educational technology goal I have for the future is simply to be more up to date with what options there are in the technological world. Before beginning this class, I felt like I was pretty understanding of what students may be using in schools, but I had limited that understanding to things like tablets and laptops, or the occasional cool new machine. I hadn't thought about robotics, or using video software for projects or things like that. Seeing the multiple little robots in class and learning how to program and play with them to learn was incredible! I had no idea these things existed for student use. I don't want to feel out of touch with technology. I always want to accept it and grow and learn with it, the way that I want my students to. I will accomplish this goal by constantly having an open mind, and learning any new possible technology that could help me or my students.

Thanks for a fun course!~

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