Sunday, October 20, 2019

Classroom Management and Goals Reflection

1. What are your concerns about managing a class that is using technology? What are your plans for addressing those concerns? 
I know first hand how distracting technology is. Even if I'm using it solely for the purpose intended for class, I can find myself wrapped up in it and not paying attention to the instructor or other classmates. This gets even worse with social media on my own device, or any other apps I might have access to. If this is sometimes how technology affects me, an adult in college, then I'm certain it will have deeper effects on my younger students.
The 'hands off, heads up' or similar rules are very helpful. If students don't listen, you say them again and again, and the student certainly will listen quickly! I'm always a little concerned with a student simply not listening or following rules, but I'm also sure that will extend beyond technology and is a different problem all together.
2. How is your lesson planning going for your field experience? What issues do you need to bring up with your cooperating teacher? What questions do you have for me?
No questions this far for my instructor. The lesson plan hasn't begun to really take form yet. I've gotten in touch with my cooperating teacher and we've begun discussing where she will be in her own lessons at a time just before Thanksgiving. We are going to work together to create something that fits well into her existing plans for her students.
I've been using many apps and programs for mathematics, and have some ideas already of what I can incorporate. Depending on my CTs subject at the time, I'm hoping some of the apps I've used will work. 
3. Look back at the goals you wrote at the beginning of this class. How are you progressing in meeting these goals? What do you need to do to meet them? What can I do to help?
At this time, I feel like I've made the most progress towards my second goal. I've created a few infographs, and explored tools that can create quizzes, graphs, diagrams and more. This has helped me be more efficient in my own projects, and has given me insight to be able to help students be organized and create useful projects.
I have also looked into security inline a bit, and I have found new resources to share to help others stay secure and maintain privacy online. 
My last goal of finding a new way to document progress hasn't been met or addressed yet, not really. However, I'm certain I'll find something that can assist with this. Being said, I have worked with the teacher's side of canvas, and the organization with this platform is easy to use and keep. I'll be on the lookout for more tools to help document progress!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Technology Artifacts Part 1

Students have so many resources they can use to convey information they've learned, ask questions to learn more, or prepare to help others learn. I've had the chance to explore a few different tools to showcase what students can do!

This is an inforgraphic I put together using Canva for another class, that briefly talks about the differences of charter vs. public schools.
I chose to use this tool because I actually had to use it as a student myself! It was very easy to use with the provided templates, and there were so many options to choose from. Canva has a huge variety of templates to use for infographs, photos with words, custom Instagram posts, and more!

Here I've made a potential flier for math club using Piktochart! Students could create, print, and post this to draw attention to their clubs. Or they could create poster to talk about their projects, pliers for other events, and more using piktochart! Personally, I liked this platform more than Canva, but they are different enough to really be able to use them for projects as needed. I will be using this tool for my own work in the future!


I also created a Quizizz game! This is a great took to help students to quiz themselves, friends, or create flashcards. It is also a good tool for teachers to create a quiz for their students to give them a study tool. Click here to play my Quizizz!