Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Equity Reflection

     I interviewed my cooperating teacher at Taylorsville High School about what technology she has for her students. You can find the reflection of that interview here.

     After this, I decided to compare my teacher's answers to one of my classmates findings. The classmate I asked, Jessica,  is also working on a Mathematics Education program, and we are both collaborating with a math teacher at a high school.
     Most of the answers were very similar, but the way the technology was used in the two classrooms varied the most. Both of our teachers have a 1:1 ratio of Chromebooks per student that they have access to in class. However, Jessica's teacher rarely uses the technology accept to look at the class website or emails. While my teacher uses various programs and websites to assist in learning, and is willing to look into any new site or applet to find new ways of teaching, Jessica's teacher limits her students a bit more. She has a set list of websites that she may use, and has no desire to find or use others.
     It's interesting to me that even though the same technology is offered in both classrooms, one class is getting more out of it than another. The equity is there, but the instruction isn't necessarily there. This may be linked to a lack of understanding of the technology, or perhaps this teacher would rather not use it to teach. Either way, hopefully Jessica can help her find some new ways to explore mathematics, and hopefully I can utilize technology for my lesson plan as well!

     I also compared the Granite School District device-per-student to the statewide statistic. As of 2017, Granite has 1.3 devices per student, as compared to the .84 statewide. This number is higher than the state average, but many of these devices in the district are more than 4 years old. This means that even though there are many, they may not work as well as they should, and may not offer as much for the student as a newer device would.
     I decided to compare Granite School District to Juab School District, a rural district in Utah with a student body of about 2500 (Granite's is 69000). Juab has 1.14 devices per student, however, 80% of the devices are over 4 years old! Again, while it is nice that every student has access to a device if needed, they may not be worth using depending on their wear and age.

     It seems that overall in the state, there is almost enough devices per student, but I think overall the quality of the technology might be a factor. If something is too old to use with minimal problems, it's not really going to be an equitable choice for students in Utah.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Technology Inventory Interview Reflection

  1. What surprised you about your cooperating teacher’s responses?
    I was interested to see that websites needed to be checked off a week in advance.  This actually makes sense now that I think about it, to be sure the website is safe or verified. This is good information, just in case I want to introduce a new website to the teacher and students.
  2. What are some things that you think are “good” about what they said? Why do you think that?
    I think it's wonderful that there are enough Chromebooks so that every student can have one. I also like the use of Desmos and Kahoot already integrated into teaching.
  3. What are some things that maybe aren’t so good about what they said? Why do you think that?
    Given the information, it seems everything works really well together already. Without much insight to apps that could be available on the Chromebook, and with an understanding of great website resources like those mentioned, I don't have anything to say in regards to what might not be good.
  4. How is what you learned in the interview going to impact the planning and implementation of your mini-lesson? Consider what you'll be able to use, what you'll need to do to get approvals, timelines, etc.
    As mentioned, I will need to be sure to get approval for any new websites to use. Since we need to brainstorm a lesson plan, I'll throw out a few ideas I have, and see if they are anything new. If so, we will be sure to get approval soon so that we are ready with the plan and can implement it on the Chromebooks.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Initial Reflection

1. What is digital literacy and why is it important? 
2. What should students be able to do with technology?
3. Why is it important for us to use technology in our classes?
4. What are your 3 fears about using technology in education? Be sure to cite the ISTE Standards for Educators that align to these goals.
5. What are 3 ways in which you think using technology in education will be exciting or change the way teaching and learning can happen?